Each year, Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens awards grants to the various ministries of the Diocese of Brooklyn, which advance the mission of the Foundation’s Core 8 Endowment Funds. We are pleased to announce that we have awarded a total of $1,734,253 in grants for the 2019/2020 diocesan fiscal year. See below examples of those currently benefiting from our grant program.

This grant will supply/defray the cost of various programs for seniors in the Diocese. These programs are specially designed to help our older neighbors stay healthy, happy, active and fulfilled. Catholic Charities’ senior programs connect older adults and their families to accessible health care and related services through community-centered outreach, casework, and guidance.
Grant Recipients:Elderly and frail citizens and their families living in the Diocese of Brooklyn.
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Through this funding, Catholic Migration Services will assist immigrants to reunite with family members with a special focus on helping legal permanent residents apply for citizenship. By helping immigrants remain in the community, the parishes are strengthened.
Grant Recipients:Catholic Migration Services, Vicariate for Migrant and Ethnic Apostolates.
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This grant will support clergy studies and continuing education for the priests of the Diocese. It will support the efforts of the new continuing education requirements. Many of the courses will be offered at the new Sacred Heart Institute.
Grant Recipients:Spirituality Office of the Diocese of Brooklyn – Douglaston.
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This grant supports and partially funds the cost of various Diocesan efforts and programs assisting those in a discernment program. The Spirituality Program, which seeks to not only increase the desire of the students to possibly consider discerning their vocations further in the collegiate setting at Douglaston but to also form “men of greatness” that, in turn, will support the Church both locally and wherever they will serve.
Grant Recipients:Vocation Office.
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This grant is intended to defray the cost of the Diocesan Evangelization Office and programs as well as religious education programs diocesan-wide and on a parish level. This includes the Catholic Youth Ministry Initiative in the diocese.
Grant Recipients:Parishes and programs focused on evangelization and faith formation.
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This grant supports and partially funds the Diocese’s effort in educating and developing lay leaders. The M.A. Scholarship Program in Theology provides financial assistance to those persons who are studying to become Parish Catechetical Leaders or Pastoral Associates in a parish. 12 applicants will receive assistance for the start of the 2016-2017 academic year.
Grant Recipients:Cathedral Preparatory Seminary, Elmhurst Faculty Day of Prayer and Professional Development, Diocesan Conference of Pastoral Associates.
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This grant will provide assistance to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. They direct programs for Catholic Education at the Diocese’s parochial schools and academies. The McEntegart Fund provides schools with the tools needed to provide a world class education through new media, technology, and marketing.
Grant Recipients:Catholic schools and academies within the Diocese of Brooklyn.
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These funds are utilized to support the programs at the Mugavero Residence in Douglaston, Queens. The residence provides living facilities and care to Senior Priests. A significant cost is paid for by the Diocese.
Grant Recipients:Senior priests who have given their lives to the diocese.
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