By Monsignor Jamie Gigantiello
As we come closer to the end of the year, we are so proud of our parish communities for coming together to support our essential diocesan programs, a feat that cannot be accomplished by one parish alone. Together through the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA), we are helping create a “Culture of Care” in our diocese, coined by Pope Francis as caring for one another as we promote human dignity, seek the common good, develop solidarity among people and nations, and care for and protect creation itself.
Those parishes that have exceeded their parish goals are reaping the rewards of the ACA as well. Father Mrosso, Pastor of Our Lady of Light Parish in St. Albans, Queens, is finding out just how impactful these extra funds will be for his two churches. With almost $30,000 raised above their goal, Father Mrosso is planning to upgrade the altars of both St. Catherine of Siena and St. Pascal Babylon and repair the ceiling of St. Pascal Babylon.
Father Mrosso is thrilled by his parishioner turn-out so far and is hoping to get all his parishioners involved by participating in the Annual Catholic Appeal. “People are still pledging,” Father Mrosso exclaimed, “we encourage all people to pledge whatever they can. The Annual Catholic Appeal is not just a collection of money, but a spiritual exercise to participate in the mission of the Church at not only the parish level but at the diocesan level as well.”
Father Mrosso also attributes his parish success to his stewardship team, who have continued to motivate his parishioners to give and have been encouraging everyone along the way.
You can help your parish and your greater Catholic community in Brooklyn and Queens by donating to the Annual Catholic Appeal today! Learn more and donate at www.AnnualCatholicAppeal.org.