In Memoriam: Brendan J. Dugan

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Brendan J. Dugan on Sunday, December 18, 2016, a longtime supporter of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Brendan is survived by his wife Barbara, his sons Joseph (Stephanie), Michael and Patrick (Christina),  ...
Catholic Migration Services Logo

Preparing for Changes to Immigration Law

From Catholic Migration Services   President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to take various actions relating to our current immigration laws and policies.  At this point, it is important to stress that no one can be certain about what the new  ...

From the Desk of Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello – December 2016

December, 2016   Dear Friends in Christ:   Hoping each of you enjoy a memorable and spirit-lifting Christmas season, I wish to extend my greetings and prayers to you and your family for a peace-filled 2017. Thanks to your support,  ...

NET TV Introduces New Programming

From DeSales Media Group   This November, New Evangelization Television (NET TV) premiered a one-hour documentary titled, Refugees: Enemies or Victims? This documentary investigates whether the United States is upholding its tradition of helping refugees. The program sheds light on the  ...