Stewardship Forum | Continuing the Journey

Stewardship Forum | Continuing the Journey

On Wed, October 30th donors that contributed to the Generations of Faith Campaign attended a Stewardship Forum event that explained in detail the impact of the Diocese-wide campaign with an emphasis on parish-specific goals. Pastor/Administrators and Priests from 95 parishes  ...
Catholic Youth Ministry Initiative Application Guidelines

Catholic Youth Ministry Initiative Application Guidelines

Year XI Application Guidelines 2022-2023 Catholic Youth Ministry Initiative Application Opens: Monday, January 17, 2022  Deadline for Submission: Tuesday, March 1, 2022  *If you are currently part of the program, you do not need to apply at this time. Click here to apply: Year  ...
Mother Cabrini Statue Fund

Mother Cabrini Statue Fund

Thank you for visiting the site for the Mother Cabrini Statue Fund. This fund has been established by the Italian Apostolate of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Proceeds from the fund will assist in creating a public statue in the borough  ...
The Original Sin of America By Bishop DiMarzio

The Original Sin of America By Bishop DiMarzio

August 7, 2019 My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The Child Victim’s Act (CVA) passed in New York state earlier this year will put the crime of sexual abuse across all of society front and center next week.  ...